novoxx is a fantastic product to achive a safe permanent make-up ink. Many benefits are directly linked with novoxx:

+ 100% biocompatible
the product is incorporated by the human body without adverse effects or reactions

+ skin friendly
there is no observed sensitisation in medical studies.

+ non toxic
the glass itself is used as implant material for decades and there are no indications of toxic effects to the human body at present.

+ anti-inflammatory
novoxx demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects if applied to wounds

+ supports fast healing
tests performed in China on chronical open wounds of leprosy suffering people achieved healing of about 70%

+ anti-oxidant effects
new studies show that novoxx offers anti-oxidant effects

+ provides important minerals
novoxx provides the human body with calcium, sodium and phosporus that are incorporated

+ stable
novoxx is stable in aquous systems and doesn't show reactions if radiated or treated with radicals

+ secure
novoxx is an inert material with easy and secure handling

+ suitable as filler
novoxx replaces as well pigments in a tattoo ink preperation and reduces thereby the risk of allergies

+ anti-microbial
novoxx is destroying gram positiv and gram negativ bacteria, yeasts and mould




novoxx knowledge:

The novoxx mineral substance combination has been used for implant surgery for over 30 years!